Short and sweet
Check date before messaging! Please message me your city, date and time preference when booking * services provided are safe* Incall is available for pre book upon request. Outcalls are also available at your location. Once booked, please contact me if any changes occur Multi hours are preferred & screening is a must. Tour location of your choice are available upon request
(Additional $200 Room fee for incall)
(Additional $200 Room fee for incall)
(Additional $200 Room fee for incall)
(Additional $200 Room fee for incall)
(Additional $200 Room fee for incall)
(Additional $200 Room fee for incall)
Let’s have a sleepover <3 !
so much fun !
I require a 50% deposit to secure incall/outcall bookings.
Deposits are non refundable but can be used towards a rescheduled date if client provide minimum 24hr notice when cancelling.
You can send the deposit by Crypto, Paypal, Revolut.